RE: Program and your "Thesis"

First is the program of the museum (What is the title of your museum?).

Next is how the museum makes the experience (How do we move from space to space? What shapes the spaces? How big are they?).

Last is how the museum responds to the other museums and its context (What is the relationship of your building to your neighbor and how is it influenced by its context and program?).

The experience could be how you move through the program or vise versa. This will be the focus of the project for the next few weeks. It's hard to construct a direct response architecturally to words you write regarding your thesis, but you should be able to express ideas through use of light, material, movement, scale, etc. Make a diagram with sketches that juxtapose your program idea with how you might see the space that holds it. Use the ideas, tools and techniques that we have seen and learned in class for the last three projects. All of those ideas should help lead you into making this one.

I will answer e-mail questions as best I can, but it might help all of you if you use the blog to ask each other questions and I will try to comment whenever I can. It's a work in progress - don't be shy to post your ideas.

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